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Kuban will showcase its scientific and technological potential at the International Forum and Exhibition InRussia-2024

The joint exposition of the Scientific and Educational Centre of the South of Russia will showcase the developments of scientists and industrial enterprises of the Krasnodar region.

«We are presenting projects implemented by research institutes and Kuban universities in collaboration with the region's industrial partners. These are advanced technologies in the agricultural sector, chemical industry, radio electronics, mechanical engineering and machine tool building, including those supported by our foundation. All the projects presented are practical. Their implementation will make it possible to attract private investment in the development of production and ensure import substitution,» said Viktor Anisimov, Director of the Kuban Scientific Foundation of the Region.

The Federal Scientific Centre for Biological Plant Protection, the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Centre for Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking are involved in developing and testing projects within the scientific community. Additionally, Kuban State University, Kuban State Technological University, and Kuban-KubGTU's Kvant Technopark are also participating. On the producers' side, some of the region's leading enterprises include Rustark Group, EuroChem-BMU, Saturn, AGM-Systems, Metallstroymash machine-building company, and Southern Heavy Machine-Tool Plant.

As a result of implementing innovations, they are creating biorational plant protection products for resource-saving farming and technologies for producing phosphogypsum from by-products of the chemical industry. They are also developing a system to control greenhouse gas emissions using artificial intelligence, as well as research spacecraft and their components. Moreover, they are designing food equipment using improved cider technology and a modular decontamination system.

The international forum-exhibition InRussia-2024 is taking place in the Stavropol region at Krasny Pakhar farm from October 17 to 18.  In addition to its scientific and technological potential, the Krasnodar region is showcasing its industrial capabilities. The stand, organized by the Ministry of Industrial Policy and the region's Industrial Development Fund, features products from 14 high-tech companies, as well as the potential of industrial parks and technology parks. The region's delegation will participate in the forum's business program and will present the development projects of the Kuban Industrial Park in Ust-Labinsk and the N-Port industrial technopark being established in Novorossiysk.