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In Novoivanovsky rural settlement, construction of the plant for bottling drinking water

At the XIII International Investment Forum "Sochi-2014" Novopokrovskiy District were presented 18 projects. A number of them found their investors, with whom agreements have been signed for implementation.

The most expensive investment project last year, on which agreement was reached - "Construction of the plant for bottling mineral water." The investors were "Research and Production Association" YugProektStroy. " The volume of investment is 172 million rubles.

Production is scheduled to open in two settlements - villages Novoivanovsky and flat. For the villagers, this means not only the creation of 80 jobs with an average monthly wage of 25,000 rubles. Agreement provides for registration of a legal entity at the place of its real location. This means that the budget settlement will come taxes, which have a positive impact on the socio-economic development of rural settlement Novoivanovsky.

In the village of Flat construction of the plant, equipped with modern equipment, it is planned on the territory of the former hospital, and in the village Novoivanovsky - near the old mill. In addition, the site of the former dance halls Novoivanovsky balneotehnicheskogo envisages the construction of buildings - well-room available to local residents.

At the moment the completed survey work, water samples are investigated. The experts found that in its composition it corresponds to the waters of Chisinau and Varnitsky sources and is the medical-table. It will produce using the latest technology fr om the well at a depth of 200 meters, wh ere there is an underground river flowing from the foothills of the Caucasus.

According to the project the planned production volume is 250 liters of water per hour.